Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hawks Sports Nest 200 Post Better Be a Good One Right?

Well how about an amazing article from

David Whitley David Whitley AOL FanHouse Columnist

"Gee, I should have called that ref a retard. It would have saved me 100 grand."
Bryant, as you may recall, stirred quite a sensitivity storm when he yelled
"f------ f-----!" at official Bennie Adams. As you may not recall, James went on stage after a game and referred to a question as "retarded."
The NBA apparently doesn't recall. It slapped Bryant with the largest fine in NBA history for inappropriate language -- $100,000.
It slapped James the smallest fine in NBA history for inappropriate language
-- $0.
Are the intellectually disabled that much less worthy of sensitivity than gays?
What other conclusion can you draw? I'm not saying the slurs are exactly the same.
Gays probably think Kobe's was worse. Special Olympians might disagree.
But how can one slur be the most offensive in NBA history, and the other not even warrant a jaywalking ticket? Memo to the NBA:
"There are a number of groups that are marginalized in our society," said Dr. Margaret Nygren.
She's the executive director and CEO of American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. That's the preferred terminology now. Not mentally retarded, developmentally retarded or anything with the R-word.
When it comes the marginalized groups, the NBA has entered a precarious punishment zone. It must base fines not only on what was said, but also on whom it offended.
I'm not sure how you do that. Does David Stern have a political correctness chart listing taboo words?
F-word: $100,000. N-word: $? R-word: 0?
It's not just the zero. It's all that hasn't come with it.
Bryant immediately apologized and the Lakers announced an outreach program to the gay community. The team will endeavor "to help keep language like this out of the game."
James initially denied making his statement. Too bad for him it was caught on video. He then apologized, but there have been no gestures of outreach.
I don't think LeBron dislikes the mentally challenged any more than Kobe dislikes gays. They just said stupid things without thinking, proving they need to learn how hurtful words can be.
"This is a forgotten population," Tim Shriver said.
He's the CEO of Special Olympics and was appearing on "The Colbert Report" to promote a program "Spread The Word To End The Word."
It's not just jocks that need to listen. I do, you might, the president did.
Barack Obama went on The Tonight Show a couple of years ago and joked that a recent bowling performance (129) was "like the Special Olympics or something.
It is funny until you see Special Olympians do their thing. There are more than 3.5 million of them. You'll pardon their sensitivity.
"The word retard has become a symbol to them, not for me, but for them that they don't count," Shriver said.
NBA players have long promoted Special Olympics. Chris Paul, Dwight Howard and others signed up for End the R-Word program.
LeBron apparently didn't sign up. At least by using the R-word he has brought attention to the problem.
"The NBA and LeBron James are well positioned to bring visibility to how such language affects people with intellectual disabilities," Nygren said.
"We would welcome the opportunity to work with them to help educate the public."
It's not just the public that needs educating. When it comes to public slurs, the mentally challenged have as much right to feel offended as gays, women, minorities, you name it.
Now LeBron has spoken and the NBA has slapped him with a $0 fine.
Sorry, mentally challenged.
Compared to other groups, you really don't count.

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