Saturday, May 7, 2011

What a Way to get ready for the Kentucky Derby than Bob Costas in a Derby Hat

Everyone and their dog covers the Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs in Lousville and what do we know about the horse racing? we know that multiple people own horses we know that their riders are shorter than a munckin from the wizard of Oz but yet most importantly we know that the Kentucky Derby means Crazy Hats  The hats in a lot of ways are sometimes more important than the actual Race.  Not that we don’t approve. In fact, we’d especially approve if Costas wore that same hat on the air tomorrow. As far as Photoshopping, we’ll leave that to anyone else who might be so inclined (and more skilled), but if, hypothetically, we were to do any Photoshopping of the above picture, this might be involved. Hint, hint.

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