Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Clemens still says he is inocent and guess what? Im still a fan of the Rocket

Roger Clemens continued to assert his innocence regarding performance-enhancing drug use during an interview at the Houston Open golf tournament, where he is serving as a caddie for PGA Tour player Ryan Palmer in Wednesday's pro-am event.
"We've had to take it on the chin a little bit, but we'll have our chance to talk," Clemens told ESPN Radio's "Mike & Mike in the Morning."
The former Red Sox, Yankees and Astros star has been charged with lying to Congress about his use of PEDs. His trial is set to start in July, but Clemens said he doesn't plan to go into hiding until then.
"We don't like it. But I'm not going to run around and hang my head. I'm going to be the person I've always been," he said.
The seven-time Cy Young Award-winner said he has not been following the Barry Bonds trial because, "I've been busy."
Clemens also touched on the Hall of Fame, noting that election is out of his control.
"It's not the first thing that's on my plate right now. It's not something I'm looking at where it's going to be a big deal," he said. "I love the Hall of Fame, I love everything about it. They've got some memorabilia of mine there now. I'm still going to go and visit it."

Here is my take don't you think that congress has anything better to do? Roger just like Bonds is out of Baseball I don't really care if he did or did not do ped's the things he did on the mound are just remarkable.  He will to me go down as one of the greatest pitchers of all time PERIOD.  Let me ask you as the reader if you had the opportunity to do a drug and make a ton of money to put on your table for food for you family would you do it? If you say no then your lying regardless of this being a Sport everyone and anyone does some sort of enhancement to their body or behavior to help them out in any certain way to gain a certain edge on other individuals.  So before you start blaming a ball player over his decisions to be better at what he does you need to check yourself First.

1 comment:

  1. Good points. The PED issue becomes an ethical issue because some fans believed they cheated and others don't. Perhaps the side one argues reveals their ethics.
