Saturday, March 19, 2011

Damon Waynes Lands Role in Colin Cowheard New Show on CBS

Back in November word got out that CBS was developing a half- hour comedy  based on the life of ESPN radio host, and all around windbag, Colin Cowherd.  Once the collective sounds of groaning and retching ceased, the question on everyone’s mind was…why?
Why indeed.
That question will remain unanswered until life no longer exists on this planet.  However, one question surrounding this sure to be awful television show is who will play the lead role—you know, the one based on the man, his job, his life, and his relationships.
If you guessed comedian/actor Damon Wayans, well then step forward and collect your new set of steak knives because you sir, are correct…and most likely a clairvoyant witch.
Talk about your casting against type.
Wayans, besides being one of the famous Wayans brothers comedy team, is best known for such films as Bulletproof, Major Payne, and I’m Gonna Git You Sucka, and for his television comedy series My Wife and Kids.  Cowherd is known for being obnoxious, opinionated, and downright polarizing.  But you already knew that.
So, can a funny and talented black guy play a controversial and over-the-top white sports radio host?  Of course he can—what a stupid question.  It’s not like the producers hired a chainsaw juggling panda for the lead role or anything.  But will it be successful?  Seeing that Hollywood has completely run out of ideas and creativity, probably not.
Unless they can somehow work that chainsaw juggling panda into the show…then they might have something there. 
I remember back in the day I watched the "In Loving Color" I thought it was one of the funniest shows on tv.  The problem that I see is the fact is both of these individuals are completely on different sides of the comedy spectrum.  Yes the past couple of years Colin has stepped us game in his show "Sports Nation" overall though he isn't a funny guy.  He is very arrogant pompous jackass.  But I guess will see but hey if they possible do a bit on the video clip below I will possibly watch. 

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